Saturday, 31 December 2011

The End of the Beginning

I've decided to close this blog.

A visceral disgust in development NGOs' unwillingness to be open with their donors prompted me to start back in 2007. I was shocked that these do-goody organisations feared transient negative publicity more than long-term ineffectiveness.

Along the way I've been pleasantly surprised at the power that can result from good arguments and a means to communicate with the world. When I started I had no idea that what I wrote would be heard outside of the echo chamber, let alone persuade DfID, Oxfam and others to open up.

2011 saw a sea change in attitudes towards open data in development and there are now major organisations such as Publish What You Fund, aidinfo and IATI working towards these ends. I feel we've turned a corner now and it's time for this blogger to hang up his hat.

Thanks for following - and please do stay in touch through my profile.